토플 스피킹 영역은 제일 어려운 영역으로 알려지는 만큼, 영어 원어민들도 준비 없이 고득점 답을 얻기 힘들어하는 영역입니다. 토플 스피킹 고득점을 받을 수 있는 기본 템플릿을 안내 드립니다.
스피킹 영역은 4가지의 말하기 태스크가 있고 라이팅 영역처럼 스피킹 영역의 문제 유형도 2종류로 나눠집니다: 독립형, 통합형.
- 문제 #1: 독립형개인의 경험과 아이디어로 답변을 제작합니다. 준비시간은 15초, 답변 녹음 시간은 45초가 주어집니다.
- 문제 #2 ~ #4: 통합형지문을 읽은 후 강의가 재생되며, 관련된 문제에 답을 합니다. 준비시간은 30초이며, 답변 녹음 시간은 60초가 주어집니다.
시험에서 떨리고 머릿속이 하얘진다면, 45~60초는 정말 순식간에 지나갑니다. 이럴 때는 주어진 문제를 단순화하는 게 중요한데요, 최대한 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 다음 스피킹 26점을 얻을 수 있는 답변 방법을 따라 해보세요.
토플 스피킹 모범 답안 작성법
1. 내 의견은 심플하게 but 단어를 풍부하게 표현
어려운 단어나 복잡한 문장 구조를 사용하지 않아도 됩니다. 기본적으로 1문장 (sentence) 안에 나의 의견이 들어가도록 답해 주세요.
이때 문제에 있는 단어들을 그대로 베껴 반복하는 것은 감점이 되니 최대한 다른 단어를 활용, 나만의 응답을 말할 수 있도록 해주세요.
“In my opinion, pets are very important for the following reasons.”
2. 근거와 예시는 충분히
근거(이유)와 예시는 스피킹 답변에서 제일 중요하고 시간을 제일 많이 투자하게 될 부분입니다. 답변 준비 시간이 주어질 때 주장을 뒷받침해 줄 수 있는 근거와 예시를 각 2개씩 적어주세요.
이유 #1: “Pets are important because they can relieve stress for owners. For example, my pet dog helped me feel calm and relieve stress when I was going through hard times at work…”
이유 #2: Also, pets can make you more healthy. This is because some pets such as dogs may require you to walk them outside. This is not only beneficial for the dog, but also for the owner as you are also getting exercise…”
3. 요약하는 마무리 문장은 필요한 경우에만
마지막 문장은 길거나 어렵지 않아도 됩니다. 처음 말한 나의 의견을 다시 언급하며 답변을 마무리하는 부분이기 때문에 이 문장은 독립형 문제에서만 선택적으로 사용하면 됩니다.
통합형 답변에는 마지막 문장이 필요 없으며, 답변 시간이 어중간하게 남을 때 독립형 답변에 추가할 수 있는 요소입니다.
“For these reasons that I pointed out, I believe pets are very important.”
이제 스피킹 답변을 만드는 방법을 알았으니, 이제 나의 답변을 녹음하면서 복습하는 연습으로 답변을 개선하시면 됩니다. 아래 모범 답안들을 보면서 다음 토플에서 구조를 따라 해보세요! 토플 졸업을 응원합니다 🙂
토플 스피킹 독립형 모범답안 예시 1.
Your school has received funds from the government. Should your school buy new televisions or books? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
나의 의견: In my opinion, I believe that the school should choose to buy new books instead of televisions for two reasons.
이유와 예시 #1: Firstly, books are excellent sources of knowledge as they do not have the distracting features that televisions have. Books directly provide the information that the reader wants or is looking for, while televisions have many distractions and can tempt the students to look at materials that are not related to their studies.
이유와 예시 #2: Secondly, buying books can allow the students to save money. Since most university students are on a tight budget, it is difficult for them to buy expensive books to use as references for their research and assignments. Thus, if the school buys books, the students would not have to buy expensive references and can save their money.
토플 스피킹 통합형 모범답안 예시 2.
리딩 지문
Anchoring Effect
Anchoring effect is a tendency of people to be influenced by an impressive figure or an object. People make irrational choices due to their initial impressions. Especially, anchoring effect makes people come up with biased or distorted choices based on their existing beliefs.
Now that you’ve read through the textbook, I would like to tell you about an experiment conducted by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. The experiment was a spinning roulette with numbers between 1 to 100. Right after spinning the roulette, participants were asked to answer the question, “What would be the percentage of African countries in the UN?” The mechanism is like this. For instance, if the roulette points to 50, it aims to predict whether the percentage of African countries in the UN will be lower than 50 or not. Surprisingly, most of the participants’ answers were similar to the roulette’s number. If the number was 70, people’s answers to the question were between 60 and 80. Answers were mostly between 60 and 80 as they were initially given the number 70. Being influenced by the number they received, they gave an answer of numbers close to 70. This is what anchoring effect is. A real life example of anchoring effect can be seen in places such as shopping stores. Uhm, for example, supermarkets frequently provide discounts and buy one get one free events. Since people know the original price of certain products, they buy them with the belief that they are making a choice that saves them money. As seen in this case, it lures people to make biased choices.
Explain the Anchoring Effect and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.
해설: The Anchoring Effect is when a person makes an irrational or a biased choice due to them being influenced by an impressive figure or an object.
예시 소개: The professor explains the concept further by taking two examples.
예시 #1: The first example is about the roulette experiment. In this experiment, participants are asked to spin a roulette with numbers 1 to 100 on it. They are then asked the question ‘What would be the percentage of the African countries in the UN?’ The answers of the participants were always close to the numbers that they received on the roulette. This shows that an impression or a certain influence can also affect one’s decisions and actions.
예시 #2: The second example provided by the professor is about discounted prices in supermarkets. As the supermarkets show the original price as well as the discounted price, it gives customers a biased perspective which leads them to make a choice based on the idea that they are saving money.