토플(TOEFL) 라이팅 템플릿 예시 – 고득점 답안 팁 제공

⏱ 라이팅 영역은 토플의 마지막 영역입니다. 질문 유형은 2개가 있으며, 유형별 하나의 질문이 제시됩니다. 첫번째 독립형 질문에는 20분, 두번째 통합형 질문은 30분의 답안 작성 시간이 주어집니다.

짧은 시간안에 고득점 답안을 작성하는게 어려울 수 있기에 튼튼한 답안 구조부터 작성하실 수 있는 라이팅 템플릿을 준비했습니다. 이 템플릿으로 고득점 답안을 작성하는 방법을 알려드리겠습니다:

고득점 답안에 필요한 중요 요소들을 분석하기 위해 다음 순서로 문제를 살펴 보도록 하겠습니다:

  1. 지문
  2. 강의
  3. 모범 답안
  4. 분석
  5. 템플릿 정리

작성 방법을 설명할 수 있도록 예시 문제와 모범 답안을 같이 읽어보겠습니다.

1. 지문

Despite the worldly fame of William Shakespeare’s literary works, little is known about his life. Most of the facts we know are simply theories and rumors. The lack of specific records created many doubts about Shakespeare’s existence. Some have been arguing that there were other people who actually wrote the works under Shakespeare’s name.

The first candidate is Francis Bacon, who was a famous scientist, theorist, and philosopher in the 16th century. This theory gained support because of the legal references indicated in Shakespeare’s plays and poems. For example, some of Shakespeare’s poems such as “Venus and Adonis” and “The Rape of Lucrece” imply legal ideas that Francis Bacon was known to support.

The second candidate is Christopher Marlowe, who was a playwright and poet that lived in the same period as Shakespeare. Marlowe’s death is thought to be linked to the birth of the Shakespeare name. Some people believe that his death was faked to allow him to escape religious trials. He is then thought to have used the name of William Shakespeare to continue writing.

The third candidate is Edward de Vere, an English nobleman who worked as a courtier in the 16th century. Back then, the writings of the authors that were from the noble class were restricted to a private audience. Edward de Vere was also one of those authors. Since he wasn’t able to take credit for his writing publically, many claim that Edward de Vere used a false name, William Shakespeare, to reach a broader audience. This enabled him to receive the spotlight and create famous masterpieces.


2. 강의

Although there is no clear historical evidence that proves William Shakespeare’s existence, the theories in the reading about the identity behind the Shakespeare name are full of errors.

First of all, even though Francis Bacon and Shakespeare shared similar legal ideas, Francis Bacon’s academic background contradicts some of the scientific ideas in Shakespeare’s works. For instance, certain parts in Shakespeare’s canon and plays show a misunderstanding of the mainstream scientific beliefs of the time that Francis Bacon would not have had. Especially about astronomy beliefs, we can know that the ideas of these two figures don’t match.

Next, Christopher Marlowe’s death has nothing to do with Shakespeare. All the plays Marlowe wrote were published under his own name after his death in 1593, which was very unlikely to happen for a person who was regarded as a religious criminal. Meanwhile, 37 other plays and 154 sonnets were published under the name of William Shakespeare. This theory doesn’t make sense because there was no reason for Marlowe to use a different name.

And lastly, Edward de Vere couldn’t have used the name of Shakespeare because he died before the time some of Shakespeare’s works were newly published. Evidence clearly shows that many of Shakespeare’s plays and poems such as Macbeth, King Lear, and Tempest were written and revised in 1621, which is long after Edward de Vere died in 1604. Even if someone else had given the works to the publishers instead, revising them would have been quite impossible because no one would know what kind of stories Shakespeare wanted to publish.


이 문제의 고득점 모범 답안은 다음과 같습니다:

3. 모범 답안

Both the reading passage and the lecture discuss three theories regarding the real identity of William Shakespeare. The reading passage mentions three people who could have used the name William Shakespeare as an alias, while the lecture contradicts the reading passage on all three points.

First, the reading passage talks about the possibility of Francis Bacon being the person behind the name of Shakespeare. This theory is based on the idea that the legal references that appear in Shakespeare’s works are also known to be supported by Bacon. However, the lecture refutes this claim by stating that although the two people shared the same legal ideas, Shakespeare’s works also included scientific ideas that would not be supported by Bacon. Bacon’s academic background would contradict such ideas. Since Shakespeare’s works did not follow the mainstream scientific beliefs, his ideas on astronomy significantly differed from Bacon’s.

Second, the reading passage suggests Christopher Marlowe as the second candidate. According to the passage, Marlowe faked his death to escape from religious trials and used the name of Shakespeare to publish his work. The lecture refutes this by asserting that Marlowe’s death had nothing to do with Shakespeare. Since some of Marlowe’s works were published under his own name after his death, it does not make sense for Marlow to also use a different name.

The final theory in the reading is about Edward de Vere, an English nobleman who might have used the name of Shakespeare to receive credit publically. The lecture opposes this theory as well by stating that de Vere could not have used the name of Shakespeare since he died before some of Shakespeare’s works were revised and published. Even if someone else had given the works to a publisher, there is no way that the publisher would have known how to revise the work.

In conclusion, while the reading passage introduces three different candidates who might have used the name of William Shakespeare, the lecture refutes all of the theories.

4. 분석

 1) 서론

 주제: 지문과 강의의 공통 주제를 설명하는 문장입니다. 지문과 강의의 내용을 이해했는지 독자들이 확인할 수 있도록 주제를 설명해주세요.

 연관성 설명: 지문과 강의의 연관성을 설명하는 문장입니다. 주로 강의는 지문에 나오는 내용에 대해 반박하고 있다는 점에 유의해 주세요. 반박하는 부분에서 사용되는 표현은 볼드체로 표시되어 있습니다.


2) 본론  

연결어 사용: 본론을 시작할 때는 내용에 맞는 연결어를 사용해주세요. 설명과 설명 사이에 연결어를 추가하시면 답안의 완성도를 높이고 답안을 쉽게 읽을 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

지문: 이 문장에서 지문의 내용을 설명해주세요. 답안을 작성하실 때 문단에 있는 단어들을 그대로 배끼지 않고 동의어를 사용해서 작성하시면 감점을 방지할수 있습니다.

총 3개의 본론 문단들을 보시면, 지문에 대한 설명이 모두 2문장 이내로 작성되어 있는 것이 보이시나요? 지문을 읽으면서 답안을 작성하는 학생들은 주로 상세정보를 많이 적는 경우가 있습니다. 하지만 답안에선 지문에 대한 내용보다 설명을 더 길고 섬세하게 작성하는 것이 중요합니다. 문장에서 주어진 모든 상세정보를 적으려면 시간을 낭비를 할 수 있습니다. 지문을 가이드로 삼아 중요한 포인트만 정리한 후 강의 노트를 적어보세요.

강의: 본론 문장들 중에 제일 중요한 문장입니다. 강의에 대한 문장에서 고득점을 받으려면 적은 노트의 내용이 탄탄해야 됩니다. (노트 팁이 필요하시면 이 영상을 보시는걸 추천드립니다) 노트에 필요한 내용을 모두 적으셨으면 강의 내용에 대한 문장은 적기 쉽습니다. 적은 내용과 지문의 내용을 연결 시켜주면 됩니다. 강의의 주요 포인트에 맞는 설명을 붙여주세요. 지문의 내용보다 강의에 대한 내용을 더 길게 적으시는걸 추천합니다.

3) 결론

토플 통합형 답안에서는 결론 문단은 선택적 사항입니다.

답안을 작성하시고 시간이 남아 있으면 충분히 적어도 되지만, 시간이 부족할땐 꼭 본론 문장에 신경을 써주시고 결론 문장 작성은 건너뛰셔도 됩니다.

결론 문장을 적으신다면 첫 서론 문장에 있는 내용을 다시 반복해야 됩니다. 모범 답안에서는 “연관성 설명”이 다시 언급되고 있습니다.

시험 날 답안 구성에 도움이 되길 바랍니다. 🙂


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